So let's get started with the awkward recruitment party questions! After asking ad answering these questions a solid eight thousand times in the past ten months, I think I have the answers down pretty well.
1. What year are you?
I just finished up my Freshman year. So obviously, I know everything about life now.
2. What's your major?
I'm a Communications Major with a Minor in Business and a focus in PR.
3. Where are you from?
South Texas. The place where straight hair doesn't last two seconds outside.
4. What do you do for fun?
Sleep and binge watch The Office on Netflix.
5. What do you do in your free time?
El oh el. What free time?
6. Are you dating anyone?
7. Do you have any pets?
My demon spawn Yorkie who I love more than life itself.
8. If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive!) who would it be and why?
Martha Stewart, because you know she'd be criticizing every detail of the spread while I badger her into telling me every detail about her time in prison. Betty White. She needs no explanation. And probably Jesus so he could teach me that water into wine trick and tell me how to get those perfect beach waves he's always sporting.
9. What would serve at this dinner?
Boxed wine with chips and queso. I keep it classy.
9. If you could wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Norts, Comfort Colors tank top and Chacos. #LivingLaVidaChaco
10. What's your favorite thing about your sorority?
Everything. EVERYTHING. Specific enough for you?
There's always more than meets the eye but in all honesty, this pretty much sums me up. Does that make me a little bit stereotypical? Maybe. But don't worry. I'll be contemplating that question thoroughly as I sip my PSL and lounge in my UGGs. Love ya.
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